Atlantic Coast Conference WiretapJune 2013 Atlantic Coast Conference Wiretap

Krzyzewski Plans To Utilize Jabari Parker Like LeBron

May 23, 2013 7:55 PM

Mike Krzyzewski gave Jabari Parker an idea of how he plans to utilize him when the two spoke during the star forward's recruitment.

"[We're going to] mirror some of the things we've done on the Olympic team," Krzyzewski promised.

Krzyzewski plans to apply what he learned from coaching LeBron James to how he can coach Parker.

Parker is listed as a small forward, but the Duke freshman-to-be is too versatile to be defined by one position.

Dan Wetzel/Yahoo! Sports

Tags: Jabari Parker, Duke Blue Devils, Atlantic Coast Conference, NCAA, NBA, NBA NBA Draft, NBA Draft General

Krzyzewski Praises Thibodeau For Developing Culture Of 'Tough Character' With Bulls

May 4, 2013 10:53 PM

Mike Krzyzewski believes the culture Tom Thibodeau has created with the Chicago Bulls is the reason the team is able to persevere through so many injuries.

"I think Thibodeau is one of the great coaches in basketball," Krzyzewski said. "He's developed a culture of tough character.”

Instead of collapsing from the absence of Derrick Rose and other key role players, the Bulls continue to win.

"I know Carlos [Boozer] obviously really well, I've coached him, I coached Luol [Deng], those kids ... they just have great character,” Krzyzewski said. “And the Bulls are a blue-collar team in a blue-collar town, and I think it's one of the great stories right now in the NBA, what the Bulls are doing.

"I think they have a philosophy that they don't talk about being sick all year. They don't talk about being hurt all year, so when the moment of truth comes in the playoffs, they're already accustomed to a certain way of living."

Mike & Mike (via ESPNChicago)

Tags: Chicago Bulls, Duke Blue Devils, Atlantic Coast Conference, NCAA, NBA
